
Story till sign with club – Germany football – Part2

Hello, how’s going?

This is the story Part2 which till I sign with club in Germany.

And I’m gonna talk about third team which was organized by coach of second team. 

Then at this time, only 4days left till winter market close.

So let’s get start it.

Third club

I think the club is the very good team. 

I have to get train and bus for 1 and half hours plus 20min walk to get club, which was very hard. But I was really excited to join the training cause they are higher than the other team I joined before.

They were very friendly and very kind. Of course their skill for football is good. I really comfy at there. I talked with the coach before start training, I was like I want you to decide today If you want to sign with me. 

Cause I was really rush to get result. Only 4 days you know…

I actually was good training of the day. But I feel like very because they have many good plays. 

And after training, I talked with the coach if I can sign. He said I can’t decide only one training, if you don’t mind, you can come next training. 

I thought I couldn’t impress for them how I play, it mean not enough. 

So I told him that I actually another option tomorrow. So I’m going to join another club.

I thought at this moment, maybe the decision is wrong way, but I didn’t know it.

On the way back to home

I have to walk to get bus for 20min in the dark. I’ll never forget this feeling ever. I was thinking about the team and my decisions. The team was really good for me, like good level, good facilities and good person. That makes me be stronger, higher. But I missed it the chance. And threw away the chance by myself.

It mean I’m really not enough as a player. 

And I actually have another option that I didn’t tell you before. The option is forth team which contacted to me Friday morning before the training. They said that we are looking for central midfielder, and we’re interested in you after watching your play video. They also offer to me how much they can pay, any plans or something like this.

The option make me going the way and confused. 

But I have to sign within 3 days. I couldn’t choose 100% right decision by this rushing. My mentality is like this you know lol.

I’ve thought this whole way back to home. Walked for 20min, on the bus for 30min, on the train for 30min.

But I didn’t have time to thinking about before. I have to thinking about now and tomorrow.

This time is 29th Jan.

Joining forth team

Next day, I’m going to the forth team. But it wasn’t a training, MATCH… 

I was gonna join match new team at first time I meet them without training. I didn’t know that how they play, player’s name, bra bra bra, but I had to do it. 

I had breakfast and prepare for match as usual. Then I was heading to the place I will play. I need to get two train to get there.

But suddenly there was problem after first train.

Second train was cancelled…

And also can’t find another train, next train is one hours later, it mean I won’t be there on time 1hour late…

To be continuing for part3

In the situation that I join the match as first time for them, I’ll be late for 1 hour. What am I gonna do it? Just guessing. This is fantastic story.

Next part is last part of the story. I’m gonna tell you till I signed.

Just please wait with some guessing.

See you next part.